Sumaho o wasureta dakenanoni... ~Odosa re kairaku ni datosarete iku gyaru~ The motion anime / Хотя я просто забыл свой смартфон ... ~ Девушка, которой угрожают и которая впала в удовольствие ~ Аниме в движении
A PC game "only forgot a smartphone…Is threatened ..., and fall in pleasure; tosareteiku Gal ... motion Anime! Character Designer "Kazuha Mocha" X scenario writer "Okashitamakoto!" Jinsei to fall to simply because I left a thing. The figure of the heroine who indulges in pleasure while being puzzled, and being frightened, and falls! Prepare stiffness tea of the Kyuukyoku, and wait! In such "a Koto……That become……A smartphone……Forget it, and must do whether it is Nan……"